109 (All things seem hard to man that are above his attained level...)

109 – All things seem hard to man that are above his attained level and they are hard to his unaided effort; but they become at once easy and simple when God in man takes up the contract.
This is perfect.
As it happens, two or three days ago I wrote something in reply to a question and I said something like this: Sri Aurobindo is the Lord, but only a part of the Lord, not the Lord in His totality, because the Lord is all – all that is manifested and all that is not manifested. Then I added: There is nothing that is not the Lord, nothing – there is nothing that is not the Lord, but few indeed are those who are conscious of the Lord. And it is this unconsciousness of the creation which constitutes its Falsehood.
All at once it was so obvious: “There it is! There it is!” How did Falsehood come? But that's it, it is the unconsciousness of the creation that constitutes the Falsehood of the creation. And as soon as the creation once more becomes conscious of being the Lord, Falsehood will cease.
And it's that, isn't it? Everything is difficult, laborious, hard, painful because everything is done outside the consciousness of the Lord. But when He takes possession of His domain once more – or rather when we allow Him to take possession of His domain once more – and when things are done in His consciousness, with His consciousness, everything will become not only easy, but wonderful, glorious – and in an inexpressible delight.
It came like something self-evident. We say, “What is it? What do we call Falsehood? Why is the creation false?” It is not an illusion in the sense of not existing: it really exists, but… it is not conscious of what it is! Not only unconscious of its origin, but unconscious of its essence, of its truth – it is not conscious of its truth. And that is why it lives in Falsehood.
This Aphorism is magnificent. There is nothing to say, it says everything.
3 March 1965