Jnana (Knowledge) - Third Period of Commentaries (1962 - 1966)

Third Period of Commentaries (1962 - 1966)
- 69 (Sin and virtue are a game of resistance we play with God in His efforts...)
- 70 (Examine thyself without pity, then thou wilt be more charitable and ...)
- 71 (A thought is an arrow shot at the truth; it can hit a point, but not...)
- 72 (The sign of dawning Knowledge is to feel that as yet I know little or...)
- 73-75 (When Wisdom comes, her first lesson is, There is no such thing...)
- 76 (Europe prides herself on her practical and scientific organisation and...)
- 77 - 78 (Genius discovers a system; average talent stereotypes it till it is...)
- 79-80 (God is infinite Possibility. Therefore Truth is never at rest; ...)
- 81-83 (God's laughter is sometimes very coarse and unfit for polite ears; ...)
- 84 - 87 (The supernatural is that the nature of which we have not attained...)
- 88-92 (This world was built by Death that he might live. Wilt thou abolish ...)
- 93 (Pain is the touch of our Mother teaching us how to bear and grow in...)
- 94 (All renunciation is for a greater joy yet ungrasped. Some renounce for...)
- 95 (Only by perfect renunciation of desire or by perfect satisfaction of ...)
- 96 - 100 (Experience in thy soul the truth of the Scripture; afterwards, if...)
- 101 - 102 (In God's sight there is no near or distant, no present, ...)
- 103 - 107 (Vivekananda, exalting Sannyasa, has said that in all Indian...)
- 108 (When he watched the actions of Janaka, even Narada...)
- 109 (All things seem hard to man that are above his attained level...)
- 110 (To see the composition of the sun or the lines of Mars is doubtless a...)
- 111-112 (Knowledge is a child with its achievements; for when it has...)
- 113.-114.
- 115.-116.
- 117-121 (“Neither is it that I was not before nor thou nor these kings nor ...)
- 122-124 (If thou wouldst not be the fool of Opinion, first see wherein ...)