
208 – Beatitude is God’s aim for humanity; get this supreme
good for thyself first that thou mayst distribute it entirely
to thy fellow-beings.
209 – He who acquires for himself alone, acquires ill though
he may call it heaven and virtue.
Man has a right to beatitude since that is what he was created for. But any egocentric movement is the very opposite of this beatitude; so that if you seek it for yourself alone, you repel it instead of attracting it. By self-forgetfulness, by self-giving, without asking anything in return, by merging, so to say, into this beatitude so that it may shine upon all, you find the inner peace and joy which never leave you.
29 November 1969
What is the difference between “self-forgetfulness” and “self-giving”?
Self-forgetfulness may simply be a passive state resulting from a total lack of egoism. Self-giving, which takes its full value when it is directed towards the Divine, is an active movement which includes love in its purest and highest form.
A total self-giving to the Divine is the true purpose of existence.
30 November 1969