
258 – The world thinks that it moves by the light of reason, but it is really impelled by its faiths and instincts.
259 – Reason adapts itself to the faith or argues out a justification of the instincts; but it receives the impulse subconsciously, therefore men think that they act rationally.
260 – The only business of reason is to arrange and criticise the perceptions. It has neither in itself any means of positive conclusion nor any command to action. When it pretends to originate or impel, it is masking other agencies.
261 – UntilWisdom comes to thee, use the reason for its Godgiven purposes and faith and instinct for theirs. Why shouldst thou set thy members to war upon each other?
What are the highest aims of reason, faith and instinct in ordinary life and in spiritual life?
Each one has his own aims according to his nature and the goal he wants to attain in ordinary life.
As for spiritual life, it has only one goal: to know the Divine and to unite with Him, by every possible means and with the help of faith, which is certainly the most powerful motive-force for beginners.
31 December 1969