
329 – There is nothing small inGod’s eyes; let there be nothing small in thine. He bestows as much labour of divine energy on the formation of a shell as on the building of an empire. For thyself it is greater to be a good shoemaker than a luxurious and incompetent king.
330 – Imperfect capacity and effect in the work that is meant for thee is better than an artificial competency and a borrowed perfection.
331 – Not result is the purpose of action, but God’s eternal delight in becoming, seeing and doing.
It is obvious that the greatness of an action does not depend on its scope, and its perfection does not depend on circumstances or on external conditions, but on the sincerity of the consecration with which it is done.
To do what the Divine wants you to do, in a total consecration of the being: this is the only thing that matters; the outer scope of the action is of no account.
10 February 1970