
349 – In the world’s conflicts espouse not the party of the rich for their riches, nor of the poor for their poverty, of the king for his power and majesty nor of the people for their hope and fervour, but be on God’s side always. Unless indeed He has commanded thee to war against Him! then do that with thy whole heart and strength and rapture.
350 – How shall I know God’s will with me? I have to put egoism out of me, hunting it from every lair and burrow, and bathe my purified and naked soul in His infinite workings; then He himself will reveal it to me.
351 – Only the soul that is naked and unashamed can be pure and innocent, even as Adam was in the primal garden of humanity.
What is meant by “the soul that is naked and unashamed”? Isn’t the soul always pure?
Yes, that is what Sri Aurobindo says. The soul does not wear any disguise, it shows itself as it is and cares nothing for men’s judgments, because it is the faithful servant of the Divine whose abode it is.
23 February 1970