
374 – Shall I accept death or shall I turn and wrestle with him and conquer? That shall be as God in me chooses. For whether I live or die, I am always.
375 – What is this then thou callest death? Can God die? O thou who fearest death, it is Life that has come to thee sporting with a death-head and wearing a mask of terror.
376 – There is a means to attain physical immortality and death is by our choice, not by Nature’s compulsion. But who would care to wear one coat for a hundred years or be confined in one narrow and changeless lodging unto a long eternity?
If a person feels that his work is over in this life and that he has nothing more to offer, wouldn’t it be better for him to die and be born again instead of dragging out an aimless existence?
This is what the unsatisfied ego asks itself when it finds that things are not going as it desires.
But someone who belongs to the Divine and wants to live in the truth knows that the Divine will keep him on earth as long as He perceives his usefulness on earth and will make him leave the earth when he has nothing more to do there. So the question cannot arise, and he will live quietly in the certitude of the Divine’s supreme wisdom.
6 March 1970
You wrote yesterday: “But someone who belongs to the Divine....” Doesn’t everyone, whoever he is, belong to the Divine?
When I say, “someone who belongs to the Divine”, I mean a being who has abolished the ego within himself, who is constantly conscious of the Divine, who no longer has any personal will, who acts only under the divine impulsion and who has no other aim than to do what the Divine wants him to do.
I do not think there are many people in this state. And certainly these people will neverworry whether their life is useful or not, since they exist only for and by the Divine and no longer have any personal life.
7 March 1970