
252 – If thou think defeat is the end of thee, then go not forth to fight, even though thou be the stronger. For Fate is not purchased by any man nor is Power bound over to her possessors. But defeat is not the end, it is only a gate or a beginning.
253 – I have failed, thou sayest. Say rather that God is circling about towards His object.
254 – Foiled by the world, thou turnest to seize upon God. If the world is stronger than thou, thinkest thou God is weaker? Turn to Him rather for His bidding and for strength to fulfil it.
Why does God need to “circle about towards His object”? He can easily reach it immediately if He wants to, and make everybody’s work easier and more effective.
Surely Sri Aurobindo did not say that “God” needs to circle about, because he is all-powerful; but his power is not an arbitrary one as men understand it.
To begin to understand anything about this, one must know and feel that in the whole universe there is nothing which is not an expression of his omnipotent and omnipresent will; and only by consciously uniting with Him can one begin to understand this, not mentally, but through an experience of consciousness and vision.
In his ordinary consciousness, even with the widest intelligence, man can only grasp an infinitesimal part of creation and so he cannot understand it and still less judge it.
And if we want to hasten the transformation of the world, the best we can do is to give ourselves without reserve or calculation to That which knows.
28 December 1969