
248 – Men in the world have two lights, duty and principle; but he who has passed over to God, has done with both and replaced them by God’s will. If men abuse thee for this, care not, O divine instrument, but go on thy way like the wind or the sun fostering and destroying.
249 – Not to cull the praises of men has God made thee His own, but to do fearlessly His bidding.
250 – Accept the world as God’s theatre; be thou the mask of the Actor and let Him act through thee. If men praise or hiss thee, know that they too are masks; and take God within for thy only critic and audience.
The first thing needed is to become conscious of the DivineWill, and in order to do that one must no longer have any desires or personal will.
The best way to achieve this is to direct one’s whole aspiration towards the Divine Perfection, to give oneself to it without reserve and to rely on That alone for all satisfaction.
All the rest will follow as a result.
23 December 1969